Carnegie Hall Debut

Mommy is excited. Because, tonight’s the night. Mozart’s Requiem. At Carnegie Friggin’ Hall. Yeah Baby!

Forever simply known as The Hall around the house.

Forever simply known as The Hall around the house.

You know, the Beatles walked through this entrance.  Just sayin'.

You know, the Beatles walked through this entrance. Just sayin’.

And, there she is! Back row. Fourth from the right. Trust me.

A picture I totally stole from someone else who had already stolen it.  Still, Mommy is in there somewhere.  (Hint:  Back row, fourth from the right.)

A picture I totally stole from someone else who had already stolen it. Still, Mommy is in there somewhere. (Hint: Back row, fourth from the right.)

A lengthy standing ovation warmly greeted the performance. And as someone I know who knows about these things, they don’t just give out standing Os at Carnegie unless they are deserved. So, there ya go.


Sorry if I sound a little frustrated. But, we can’t possibly get to school on time this morning, because someone can’t find her other shoe. We have the left one. The right one, is apparently in the Witness Protection Program, and we can’t leave without it.

Witness Fucking Protection Program.

Let me ask you this. Last night, when you took off your shoes, you did that at about the same time, right? Good. Ok. In the same spot, right? Here’s the left shoe. Now, where’s the right one?

You don’t know? Your feet are like 3 inches apart. And, you don’t know where the other shoe is?

Welcome to my morning.

And, I still can’t find the goddamn shoe.

(Yeah, need my meds.)

Watch Me Squirm

For those you who read this blog just to watch me squirm (and that’s pretty much all of you), then this is for you.

Thursday night. May 23. It’s Lynn’s (our resident Mommy) and my 21st wedding anniversary. Doves and flowers and rainbows and whatever. Did I mention we are in New York? (‘cuz Old York is so, yesteryear.)

Turns out, Mommy’s big Carnegie Hall debut rehearsal includes a late-night dinner at some swanky Manhattan restaurant. Who could say No? Mommy is having fun. I celebrate that! This is why she (and we) are here.

Meanwhile, back at camp, I snuggle up at sleepy time with Julianna (the eight-year-old).

Me: I’ve never slept with anybody but Mommy on our anniversary.

Immediately, I recognize my verbal error. I have got to fix it. Even though the 8-year-old will not grasp the significance. I enter this world fully prepared for the fallout. But, I have got to clarify…

Me: For the record, I’ve never slept with anyone besides your mother. On our anniversary, or ever.

As the words leave my mouth, I know there are going be questions. Again, I knew this going in.

J: Well, but… You sleep with Me and Isabella (she’s 6) all the time.

You see. This is why I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. On our anniversary. But I couldn’t. I like things literal. I can’t help myself.

Me: Yes, you’re right. But, when grown-ups say they are “sleeping together,” it doesn’t mean what it sounds like.

You see me squirming, right? Ha ha for you. Less for me.

J: Well, but…

More squirming…

Me: Sometimes, when grown-ups “sleep together” they don’t always actually sleep. They are awake and do things.

J: Like what, Daddy?

Crap. We’re going down a long road here.

Me: Well, sometimes, grown-ups stay up late and watch TV. Or, they read a book. Or, rub each others’ shoulders. Scrabble. Stuff like that.

J: But… Naked?

Oh, dear lord.

You are enjoying my squirming, aren’t you?

Practice, Practice, Practice

A few weeks ago, the wife and I began a discussion (in our patented Limited Verb® technique.)

It went (something) like this:

Me: Anniversary soon. 21st?

Lynn: Yes. 21st.

Me: Ideas?

Lynn: Maybe, New York.

Me: Interesting. But, can we kick it up a notch?

Lynn: Hmmm… Well, singing at Carnegie Hall.

Me: Carnegie? The Hall, right? Not, the Deli.

Lynn: The Hall. Yes. Not the deli. The actual Hall. Would that work?

Me: Yep… Notch officially kicked.

So, yes, the lovely and talented wife will be in a chorus performing Mozart’s Requiem this weekend for a couple thousand people. Which, ya gotta admit, is pretty cool. Even by jaded music-types, it’s pretty damn cool. Carnegie Hall!

The Fun Time hits the road.

Our NY Home

Lynn (The Mommy at the Fun Time) has scoured the Internet looking for places to stay in New York City. And, she has come across Jose and Fabio’s apartment. Compared to local hotels, it’s a steal. It Is Perfect…. And, quite possibly, it’s illegal (something about renting a private residence that competes with the Hotel industry. To me, blah.) But this is New York, and that’s how they roll. If you don’t do something illegal, why bother going?

It’s a teeny, tiny NY closet. I mean “apartment.” Still, it is awesome.


We are three blocks from Times Square, 2 blocks from the subway, and immersed in New York City (real NY, not the tourist version).

Mommy rocks.

Oh, and here’s a picture. 10th Ave, between 43rd and 44th Streets. (If you’re looking for a place to stay, let me know. I’ll hook you up…)


Times Square. Time’s Square? Times’ Square?

I’m going to break one of the Cardinal Rules of Daddy/Daughter Fun Time: I’m turning it into a travelogue (which I usually have nothing but contempt for in the blogniverse. “First we did this, then we did that.”) But, the girls are in New York, and I haven’t been there in 15 years. Something funny has to happen.

Here they are, in 1938:


So, we take the subway to the bottom of Manhattan. But, here’s a heads up (and also, this is why you claim the Fun Time as a tax deduction): Elmer Fudd comes on the intercom and says something about Souf Fewwy Stop. Fuwst Vive Caws Only.

Here, let me translate this for you. If you want to get on the Staten Island Ferry, and you are on the Red subway line (from Times Square), the South Ferry stop is your place. But, the subway station is only big enough to accommodate the first five cars of the subway train. If you are in the sixth car… Sorry.

After parsing Elmer’s communiqúe, the tourists on board begin to panic. What car is this? Are we good? Should we move up one? Maybe two?

I read the faces of the regulars. They ignore the hullabaloo. They’re grizzled. These are Staten Island people. They offer no guidance, but everything you need to know is written on their faces: We’re in Car 4, assholes.

So, we get off Car 4 and take the ferry. It’s free, by the way. (A free boat-ride. In New York! Are ya kidding me?)

We head out on our trip. At first, the girls are Yay! Then, meh. Then, are we there yet?

Good God! There’s the Statue of Liberty!


Girls: Are we there yet?

Finally, we’re on Staten Island. Half way. (Honestly, it’s like 25 minutes. Please don’t bust my chops).

On the way back, Manhattan never looked so good…


(photo by me, by the way.)

We get back to our apartment, just as the sun sets. A Dunkin’ Donuts is across the street. Double chocolate. Ooooo. All in all… a good day.

Empire State

Our second full day in New York. The Weather Channel says that thunderstorms will hold off until 6pm. So, the Empire State Building sounds like a great choice at noon.

On the homefront, things take a while to get rolling, what with two little girls. Breakfast and all.

And, Mommy is rehearsing at Carnegie Hall, so let’s wait a couple minutes..

By the time Mommy gets back from rehearsal, we are ready to go. The Weather Service issues a caution for afternoon thunderstorms. But, it’s still a couple hours away.

I keep checking. But, we’re Ok. So, we set out.

Then, a flash flood warning…


Yeah, turns out, the Weather Channel was wrong. Wrong. 2 o’clock. Not 6 o’clock.

But, it’s too late. We’re Accidental Umbrella-istas.:


Now, Mommy and I grew up on the east coast (Hell, I born in Jersey.) So, we know a downpour. So, I know a thing or two about downpours. But, let me tell my germ-a-phobe friends about life: Walking through a New York City intersection ankle deep in…. stuff. YouDontWannaKnow.

Still… We finally made it to the Empire State Building. Yay for us!

The lovely lady told us that the observation deck was still open. But, you can’t see anything because of overcast. 40 dollars per person, please.

Here’s as close as we got…

Milk Manners

Minutes ago…

Julianna (she’s 8) chugs her milk, then extends her arm with the empty cup to me.

Me: What do I do with this?

J: More milk.

Me: No… “Daddy, May I have some more milk, please?”

J : More milk. (Begrudgingly) Please.

Me: Again… “Daddy, May I have some more milk, please?”

J (smiling and batting her eyelashes): May I please have some more delicious, cold milk, my wonderful and talented father?

Me: Now you’re just being facetious.

J: I don’t know what that means. But, more milk?

So, what did I do?…

Got milk.