
Odd thing when your five-year-old is having a nightmare. You rush to her bed, panicked:

Iz: (Moan). Owwww…..

Me: Honey… What’s wrong? What hurts?

Iz: The pool is too deep…

Me: You’re in bed, Sweetie. Not the pool.

Iz: It’s raining too hard.

Me: It’s Ok, Puppy. Clear skies. You’re having a bad dream. Wake up, Honey. Wake up.

Iz: Yellow.

Me: Uhhhh…

Iz: I have to go to the bathroom.

Me: Oh!… Go!

One flush later, suddenly everything makes perfect sense.

One thought on “Nightmares

  1. Ooh I have these all the time! My favorite is when the toilet is in the middle of the mall. Just out there – no walls or anything. And I try to use it anyway because I can’t wait. Fortunately I’ve never SUCCEEDED to go in a dream. So far.

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