Ol’ Miss

Warning: A discussion of Private Parts is ahead. Some of my readers will immediately turn away. But, most of you will see this as a challenge and will fight on. Things escalate quickly.

Isabella (she’s 6) is going through the age-old rite of trying to spell “Mississippi” as fast as possible. She flubs it a few times, then nails it. Under two seconds!

Iz: Hahaha! You know what’s funny? I said “pee-pee!”

Me: Yes, Honey… Hilarious.

But, the story doesn’t end there.

Iz: Daddy, girls have a Fa-she-she. Boys don’t.

I unflinchingly correct her pronunciation. Not a big deal.

Iz (after a long pause, and smiling): The boy part is funny.

Me: It is? Why is that?

Iz: Because it has a “pee” in it! Hahahaha!

Me: Yes, Sweety… That’s hysterical.

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