
Quoting from Julianna’s Third Grade class report, My American Hero: Sacagawea… (And, yes, I checked the spelling many times.)

“Sacagawea had many difficult struggles to overcome. One struggle was being kidnapped. Sacagawea overcame this problem by giving it a chance.”

Because, if you give kidnapping a “chance,” it’s actually not so bad. Seriously, I mean, there’s all that free travel. See America!

[By the way, I’m not condoning kidnapping here. Usually, very bad things happen from kidnapping. Tragic things. Things the father of a Daddy Blog doesn’t want to hear about. But, Amtrak has a great deal to tour America on rails! To the Pacific!]

2 thoughts on “Sacagawea

  1. You’re already AT the pacific – ha! I wonder how long it would take to take a train from Cincinnati to the pacific from here? Following Lewis & Clark’s trail… I shall have to investigate!

    For some reason I’m humming “Give Peace a Chance” now…

    • Yes, Bug. I live in Los Angeles, mere miles from the Pacific. Or, hours, depending on the traffic. I was metaphorically inferring Lewis and Clark. And, of course, Sacagawea, on their trans-continental journey. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to stop posting replies while stuck on the freeway, and roll 45 feet.

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