What Did He Say?

From the “Nothing gets by that girl” department.

We are watching the highly edited-for-television version of Jim Carrey’s “Liar Liar.” It’s our go-to movie whenever the Super Bowl is about to start.

There’s some language that might make the parents of a 7-year-old uncomfortable. But, not much. (“Yeah. In your bra!”)

So, Jim Carrey is beating himself up in the bathroom (hilarious), when a guy walks in and says: “What are you doing?”

In the TV version, Carrey says: “I’m kicking my own butt!”

Isabella (remember, she’s 7): Daddy, is he really talking?

Me: Yes, Honey.

Iz: Because, it looked like he said a word that begins with an “A”.

Dear TV Censors: Even a 7-year-old is on to you. And, please, that’s a crappy place for the commercial.

By the way, we have this on DVD (unedited). But, when it is on TV, we can’t not watch it, commercials and editing and all. (Over-Actor!)

[I know there are some fans out there who will get the references.]

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