On Hiatus: Shoulder Surgery Do-Over

April is the time of year when most TV shows go on “hiatus.” Production on the current season ends until the Fall.

That’s happening to me too.

For those of you who have followed my shoulder-surgery saga, I’m going under the knife again tomorrow. The “fix” for my last surgery in September didn’t take, so I’m back to square one.

It’s Disappointing. Distressing. And Depressing.

I’ve already lost a half-year to physical therapy, sleepless nights, bottles of Vicodin, and, oh yeah, no employment. What a wasted six-months. (And, please… Don’t call it a vacation.)

Now, I get to do it all over again! Imagine my joy…

So, to you my dear Blogger friends. I’ll be signing off for a while, at least until my left wing can flap again.

’til then.

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