50 Shades, Part Two

I’m bleary-eyed after a week of relentless preparations for my daughters’ school Annual Auction… Forgive me if I ramble.

Some of you are intrigued by the “Who Won That?” sweepstakes for the “50 Shades of Grey” gift basket. Yes, there was such an item. It included a Riding Crop. If you are lost, see my earlier post.

Funny story. (But, then, all of my stories are funny, aren’t they?)

There was a computer glitch at check-in (I take all of the blame.) A few people ended up with the same Silent Auction bidder number. (If you don’t know, at a silent auction the items are displayed on tables, and you write your secret number next to the item you want. In this case, two different people had the same number. Oops. My bad.)


When we were closing out the auction, I discovered that two different people had won the “50 Shades of Grey” basket.

And, I thought… This is Awesome! That’s my Fourth Grade daughter’s teacher!

But. When she came to my table, surprisingly, she is Not Adamant, is Not Embarrassed, is a Still-Knowing person, is Matter-of-Factor-ly, and is Jovial:

“I didn’t bid on that. Ha.” (“Ha.” Not “Ha!”)

I explained the double-number issue. She was: “It happens.”

I’ve got to admit, I’m a tiny bit disappointed.

But, honestly, if a French Tickler is the most dangerous weapon you’re going to bring to school, I’m Ok with that.

(And, no. I will not tell you who the actual winner is. Totally confidential… But, let me check… Who’s going to crack the whip tonight, Honey?… Um… What’s my number? Oww!)

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