
Ok, there’s a reason that I keep posting these silly little blog posts. Daddy/Daughter and all.

Last night, the family had a late-running holiday-season party. When we got home, Mommy snuggled with Isabella (she’s 7) and I hunkered down with Julianna (10).

We tickled and giggled and told stories. But, then it was bedtime. Sleepytime.

Mommy slipped away. And, I tried to follow. But, Isabella caught me…

Iz: Daddy. Snuggle. Please?

Me: Mommy snuggled with you already.

Iz: But, I want you.

Me: I’m all snuggled out.

Iz: Yeah, but I want to snuggle with you… Daddy.

NOTE: How does ANYBODY say No to such a request?

Me: Ok, Honey. Scooch over.

Iz: Yay.

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