Two Dads

If you’ve spent any time rummaging around the archives here at Daddy/Daughter Fun Time, you’ll quickly see that a number of themes run through the dialogues: Daddy is fat. Daddy is short. Daddy yells a lot.

But sometimes, the girls say or do something that I totally didn’t expect. Then, things return to normal.

On the drive to school this morning…

Julianna: Dada, don’t you think it’s funny that my friend Tori has TWO dads?
Me: Really?
J: Yes, her real father and her step-father.
Isabella: Wow. TWO dads! That would be so much fun!
Me: Do you girls wish you had two dads?

J: No, I just need one. He’s the best one in the world.
Me (genuinely surprised): Awww… That’s so sweet. You’re going to make me cry.

Then, Isabella, true to form:

Iz: Yeah, and because two daddies would yell WAY too much.

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