Feminine Needs (Jan 31, 2012)

7-year-old Julianna practicing her reading skills by telling me what the supermarket aisle signs say. Things go well until Aisle 12…

J: “Feminine Needs.” Daddy, what does that even mean. What are THEY?

Me: Well, Honey… Um, since I work for Disney, I think I’m required to say: a Handsome Prince and Talking Animal Sidekicks.

J: (Blink.) Daaaaaaad! Why are you like that?

Yes, I know.  Wrong aisle number.  I was at a  different store when I had my camera.  So there, Mr. Gottacorrectsomeonestein.

Yes, I know. Wrong aisle number. I was at a different store when I had my camera. So there, Mr. Gottacorrectsomeonestein.

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