Ides of March of the Penguins

Proving once again that Lynn (the Mommy here are at the Fun Time) is the funniest person in the household.

She is apologizing to the carpool Mother who will be driving the girls in to school:

Lynn: Sorry, we’re running a little late. Isabella (she’s 6) is going all Morgan Freeman this morning.

Other Mom: Morgan Freeman?

Lynn: Yes. She narrates everything.

Cut to Isabella…

Iz: Now, I’m putting on my lefffft sock (pause, pause)… Now, I’m putting on my riiiiight sock (pause, pause)… Now, I’m putting on my lefffft shoe (pause, pause)… Now, Oh My Gosh! Where’s my right shoe?! Oh, never mind. There it is! Now, I’m putting on my riiiiiight shoe (pause, pause)…

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