LA Woman

It is Triple-Play Thursday on the drive in to school.

Now, I love me some Doors, even though Jim Morrison died when I was, like, 6. (Hint, here comes Isabella, also 6):

Iz: Daddy… Who is Mr. Mojo Rising?

Me: That’s a great question, Honey. I’m not sure.

Then, Queen comes on:

Julianna (she’s 9): Daddy, what’s a “Fat Bottomed Girl”?

Me; Another great question. You see, some people have big butts… Hang on… “We are the champions, my friend.”

Iz: Daddy, you’re not a good singer.

J: Yeah, Daddy. Not a good singer.

I don’t care. I drop them off, then Tom Petty comes on. “’cause I’m Free. Free Falling.” No one judges.

But, fat-bottomed girls? They make the rockin’ world go ’round.

4 thoughts on “LA Woman

    • First of all, Bug (is the THE required, or can I just call you Bug?) Dana, I have no opinion about your sit-down area. My point is: I don’t care. Look, if Freddy Mercury sang about them, then I’m Ok with that. (And I doubt that ever came across such a girl in his life.) I just don’t know how I’m supposed to respond to a 9-year-old asking if these pants make her butt look big. It doesn’t matter, except when it does. So, you my friend, make the rockin’ world go ’round. Keep up the good work. America needs you.

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